
An ear piercing is where a piercing is made through part of the ear, allowing for the insertion of jewellery. Ear piercings can vary widely in location on the ear, each with its own name with differing jewellery that can be worn in it.

Example ear piercings are:

Material de joyería
Tipo de hilo
Tipo de joya
Parte del cuerpo y tipo de piercing
Diámetro interior
Longitud de la barra
Espesor (galga)
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Labret Cuádruple Piedra Marquesa en Arenisca Marrón - Titanio
Quadruple Marquise Stone Labret in Brown Sandstone - Titanium - Camden Body Jewellery

Labret Cuádruple Piedra Marquesa en Arenisca Marrón - Titanio

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Labret de triple piedra Wonky en ónix rojo - Titanio
Triple Wonky Stone Labret in Red Onyx - Titanium - Camden Body Jewellery

Labret de triple piedra Wonky en ónix rojo - Titanio

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